새롭게 업그레이드 되었습니다. 24bit 처리능력으로 더욱 정교한 데이터를 보여줍니다.
- 4kg의 컴팩트한 본체에 최대 5A 또는 10A 전류를 지원합니다.
- 고성능 FRA (frequency response analysis) 가 내장되어 있습니다. 주파수 범위는 10uHz ~ 8MHz 입니다.
- 10u sec 데이터 획득가능합니다. (high speed mode)
- 피코암페어(pA) 수준의 전류측정이 가능합니다.

- System Performance : Standard (5A/10V)
- Current compliance : ±5 A
- Maximum output Voltage : ± 10V below 1A and ± 8V up to 5A
- 4 Electrodes : WE, CE, RE, S
- Potentiostat Bandwidth : 8 MHz for small signals, 300kHz for large signals
- Stability settings : High Speed, Standard, and High Stability
- Programmable response filter : 1MHz , 100kHz , 10kHz , 1kHz , 10Hz
- Signal acquisition : dual channel 24 bit ADC, 100.000 samples/sec
- Applied potential range : ±10 V with 0.02mV resolution (20 bit)
- Applied potential accuracy : 0.2%, or 1mV
- Current ranges : ±10nA to ±10A in 10 steps
- High sensitivity current ranges : ±1pA, ±10pA, ±100pA, ±1nA
- Measured current resolution : 0.00001% of current range, minimum 0.6aA
- Measured current accuracy : 0.2%
- Applied current resolution : 0.00013% of applied current range
- Applied current accuracy : 0.2%
- Potential ranges : ±1mV, ±10mV, ±100mV, ±1V, ±10V
- Measured potential resolution : 0.00001% of potential range, minimum 0.15nV
- Measured potential accuracy : 0.2%, or 1mV
Impedance Analyser
- Frequency range : 10µHz to 8MHz
- Amplitude : 0.015mV to 1.0V, or 0.03% to 100% of current range
- DC offset : 16 bit dc offset subtraction, and 2 dc-decoupling filters
- Dynamic range : 0.05nV to 10V, and 0.2aA to 5A
- Input impedance : >1000 Gohm //<8pF
- Input bias current : <10 pA
- Bandwidth : >16 MHz