이번에 새롭게 업그레이드된 CompactStat.h 는 다음과 같은 장점이 있습니다.
- 가벼운 600g 입니다.(크기도 컴팩트합니다.)
- 작은 크기이지만, 고성능 장비입니다. (임피던스 포함, 뛰어난 전류분해능)
- 컴퓨터의 USB 전원으로 작동이 가능합니다. (포터블 장비)
- 고성능 임피던스 FRA (frequency response analysis)가 기본사양입니다.
- 10u sec 데이터 획득가능합니다. (high speed mode)

Standard model
- System Performance : Standard (30mA/10V)
- Current compliance : ±30 mA (±1 mA in USB powered mode)
- Maximum output Voltage : ± 10 V
- Potentiostat Bandwidth : >3 MHz
- Stability settings : High Speed, Standard, and High Stability
- Programmable response filter : 1 MHz , 100 kHz , 10 kHz , 1 kHz , 10 Hz
- Signal acquisition : dual channel 24 bit ADC, 100.000 samples/sec
- Applied potential range : ±4 V, 0.01 mV resolution (20 bits)/±10 V, 0.02mV resolution
- Applied potential accuracy : 0.2%, or 1 mV
- Current ranges : ±10 nA to ±1 A in 9 decades
- High sensitivity current ranges : ±1 pA, ±10 pA, ±100 pA, ±1 nA
- Measured current resolution : 0.00001% of current range, minimum 0.6aA
- Measured current accuracy : 0.2%
- Applied current resolution : 0.00013% of applied current range
- Applied current accuracy : 0.2%
- Potential ranges : ±0.4 mV, ±4 mV, ±40 mV, ±0.4 V, ±4 V, ±10 V
- Measured potential resolution : 0.00001% of potential range, minimum 0.07nV
- Measured potential accuracy : 0.2%, or 1 mV
Impedance Analyser
- Frequency range : 10µHz to 3MHz
- Amplitude : 0.015mV to 1.0V, or 0.03% to 100% of current range
- DC offset : 16 bit dc offset subtraction, and 2 dc-decoupling filters
- Dynamic range : 0.05 nV to 10 V, and 0.2aA to 30 mA
- Input impedance : >1000 Gohm //<8pF
- Input bias current : <10 pA
- Bandwidth : >16 MHz
Special functions
- Ohmic drop compensation : 2 V/current range, 16 bits resolution
- Safety features : automatic disconnect on internal/external exceptions
Peripheral connections
- 8 Analog in, and 2 analog out : 0 to +4 V, 16 bits resolution
- 2 Digital inputs, and 3 Digital outputs : 0 to +5 V
- I-out, and E-out : analog monitor for cell current and potential
- AC-out : ±0.5 V sinewave 10µHz-3MHz with variable attenuation
- Channel-X, and Channel-Y inputs : ±4 V: to record impedance from peripheral devices
- Power requirements in USB powered mode : standard 5V, 500mA
- Power requirements external adapter : 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 350mA
- Interfacing : USB
- Size : w x d x h = 12 x 26 x 2.5 cm
- Weight : 0.6 kg
- PC requirements : Windows XP/7/8/10, with free USB port
- 모델1 (h10800) : ±800mA / ±10V
- 모델2 (h20250) : ±250mA / ±20V
- 모델3 (h10030) : ±30mA / ±100V